- By Karl Zimmerman (佩玲翻譯)
I'd been putting off getting a haircut for about two weeks. This morning it was finally time to get it done. A haircut, shampoo, shave and my ears cleaned out, all for the equivalent of about seven-and-a-half US dollars. No tipping. This lady took her time, but did a great job. She cut my hair using only scissors and hand-powered clippers.
Peiling warned her that I hadn't shaved in about three days, so my beard was really thick. But she worked the straight razor very skillfully around my face, including my cleft chin, leaving it smooth and shiny.
Next time I may skip the ear cleaning. I'm not used to having my inner ears poked and prodded. At times, it felt like the implements she was using were going to come out the other side. But, maybe I can hear a little better now.
I find that often it's these little, everyday bits of life in rural Taiwan that make living here fun and interesting.
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