在生命轉彎處獻上感恩 作者:任卡爾 翻譯:謝佩玲
My name is Karl Zimmerman. I am Peiling's husband. I am very proud to have created the English name for our farm, Grateful Growers. We are grateful for the opportunity to grow natural, healthy food products for your family. We are also grateful for the land, the sunshine and other natural resources so abundant in Taiwan.
我的名子叫做任卡爾,我是佩玲的先生。我感到非常驕傲,因為我為我們的謝謝農場創造 Grateful Growers 這個英文名字。我們感謝,有機會為您的家庭種植自然、健康的蔬果;我們更感謝,土地、陽光和整個台灣無窮盡的自然資源。
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美國亞特蘭大的新聞記者 南投信義酒莊擺攤的農夫
After spending many years as a TV producer and editor in the US, I look forward to a different life here in Taiwan as I help my wife and sister-in-law operate our farm. Life is so different in Taiwan from what I'm accustomed to in America that every day offers new adventures. I enjoy getting to know our neighbors and customers. Although I speak very little Chinese now, I find that a smile and pleasant manner are often all that's needed to make friends.
Photography is one of my favorite pastimes. You will often see me looking through a camera lens as I record the colorful life of Taiwan. I'm happy that many of my photos are featured on the Grateful Growers website: www.grgr.tw. I hope you will take a look.
照像一直是我的最愛,您會經常看到我用我的鏡頭在記錄多采多姿的台灣。我很高興謝謝農場的網站用了很多我拍的照片,我希望您多多欣賞我的作品。﹝譯者註:他看不懂自己的網站,只能看照片。很多只懂英文的朋友要求英文版的網頁,製作 grgr.us 是他未來的工作。﹞
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It may seem strange for an American to become a farmer in Taiwan. But we never know when our lives will take an unexpected turn. I think I will make the best of this chance and be grateful for it.
為溫室柱頭漆瀝青防銹 訪世界著名的日月潭
想更了解 Karl,請上他的部落格 http://always-something-kz.blogspot.com/
想欣賞更多 Karl 所拍的照片,請上他的 Flikr : http://www.flickr.com/photos/kzim
大謝小謝生機店 台中市南區柳川西路一段36號
www.gogosmart.com 0916-272214.04-23762905
梅精、梅子酵素、咖啡、普洱茶和達摩紅茶 簡易網購、快速電話訂購服務,本島貨到付款免運費、當月壽星、新進客戶和長期老客戶、團購大優惠
謝謝農場 南投縣信義鄉玉山路118-1號
www.grgr.tw 完整購物含農場生產之生鮮蔬果